Tuesday 4 November 2008


There is nothing good about having a cold. Lets face it you feel like crap and suffer all sorts of 'normal' cold / flu symptoms. But there is nothing wrong with in a nadir of a cold taking a (single) day off work sick. Look at a persons sickness record over a 12 - 24 month period. Maybe 3 sickness incidents every 18 months is reasonable but some people have so much time off work just not real.

A major employer in the UK (not who I work for and I don't want to be fined) but they say first 3 or is it 5 days of sickness are unpaid. Then onwards you get up to 6 months sick pay. I think that is a much better idea. If after all you really real like crap you would be happy to take a days non-pay to get better but it would be a day or two, not 3 - 5 days to get over a cold.