Sunday 29 November 2009

Clacton-on-Sea Essex

To those people who have been to Clacton, Clacton-on-Sea to give it its full name may not hold the place in high regard. It is an English seaside town about 90 minutes by train from London. Like many seaside towns, in fact not just seaside towns, it has its problems. Clacton was always an employment black spot; the day trippers do not contribute a great deal to sustain a tourist business. The pier and amusement arcades take over one place which creates a 'tacky' atmosphere. But relaxing being by the sea is all the same. To be able to stroll along the seafront is nice. The camera has caught a nice moment in what was a blustery day. To be able to walk, jog or cycle along the coast is nice and invigorating and makes a nice change from the photochemical smog pool of London. Yet to meet up with wonderful long standing friends makes a nice day break a wonderful day trip. Below is the pier from the north just after sun had set.

Friday 20 November 2009

Brevan Howard Asset Management

This is the home of what is thought of as Britains biggest hedge fund.  Located in the old headquarters of Marks and Spencer at 55 Baker Street, W1.  This is not a flash office only owned by Brevan fund, rather there are multiple outlets on the ground floor the building looks a stunnig, design.  A quick walk from Baker street in the capitals Westend, not in normal Hedge Belgravia land or over in Canary Warf or in the City.  But I'm sure this is rented and they can move.  If you believe what was written in an addition of the Telegraph a move to Geneva and the area outside of the EU would make economic sense.  If they take over 100 employees with them that will be less taxes paid here and less money spend in shops and less VAT money flowing to the government.  All would be a bit of a shame.  This photograph was taken this lunchtime in a grey overcast light raining London Friday.  If you look carefully at the photograph you can see the otherside of London.  A calling card for  the otherside of the capital. A person named Yuko and her phone number is also there.

Monday 16 November 2009

Burnt Fingers

Yesterday late morning I was carryout my chores. I have went away with wonderful wife to visit my parents on Friday and came back very late on Saturday night. Intention was this would enable us to attend our local church Sunday morning. Alas my wonderful wife's aunt is going back to India and last chance to meet her before she went back was Sunday. So we had invited her over for dinner. This meant a bit of a hectic morning getting the house and dinner ready. As never wanting to be sitting at home not helping husband I ran around with the vacuum cleaner and did my ironing, as normal. Whilst listening to a banal radio station I flicked channels and still didn't like what I heard reached over to pick up the iron to carry on doing my shirts and AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I picked up the iron, without looking and had tried to pick up the iron hot plate. Human body is amazing but skin is delicate stuff. Still whilst photographing my shirts as hung up ready to wear I took a snap of them. Somehow digital photography cannot get the resolution on striped shirts correctly. Seeing three shirts needs a little explanation. I get dress down Fridays at my work and I ironed one too many shirts last week thankfully only three had to be ironed.

Thursday 12 November 2009

St.Thomas' Hospital London -

I had to be admitted to hospital as I was really unwell at the weekend.  It was okay, fine as fine as emergency admission to hospital can be.  I don't want to say anthng bad about the emregency medical and nursing staff they really really could not be better.  Excellent service, if I am to critise it would be a little mediocre service in nursing and communication from medical staff as to progress and when I could be discharged.   That was a bit annoying but as in all things in life I couldn't have made it without my wonderful other half.  The wards or immediate area behind A&E was seperated by significant dividers into a male and female area which effectively were seperate wards served by same staff.  There after I was to be transferred to a normal male surgical ward.  Sadly there was no room so alas I had to have a private room as it was not being used it was free to me in a £ sense too.   I was very different from normal HNS wards or side rooms.

My other half went home, I sent her home so she did not spend two nights 'sleeping' in a chair.  On her way back I asked her to bring in our camera.  Here are the photographs.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Jersey - Britains Southern most Island - CIA

Jersey is the largest and wealthist of the British Islands.  I always find it intersting to look at the CIA world book.  The ammount of information on various countires is amazing and as it is from the same source different countires can be directly compared.  Jersey for example has the worlds 25th longest life expectancy, and the 7th highest GDP per capita PPP these are just two gems of information contained in the CIA world book.  It is also the most Southern Island being over 100 miles south of the British coastline and just off the French coast.  The island itself is facsinating place.  It is Britain but it isn't.  Jersey uses British £ but its a Jersey £, 1 = 1.  The costs of items in the shops seems a little cheaper than in the British mainland the weather strikes you are a little bit different.  Arriving in late January 09 the state of the island vegitation is showing a lot less leaf fall and the native plants look like mainland, London, vegitation may have looked in November.  The weather was a little warmer too.  Obviously Jersey has a peak and off holiday season and we arrived very much in the low season.  It's a small island which is wonderful place to visit maybe a wonderful place  to live in too if I had won the lottery, sadly I haven't and returning to mainland Britain is a little bit like stepping back into realilty.  Here are the photos.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Leeds Castle - the most 'British' of castles.

Leeds Castle we visited on a most dull and overcast day. As yet it really is worth a visit. The castle like so many historical buildings was built in stages over hundreds of years. What really is amazing is part of it dates back to 1119. This is so old as yet it was used as recently as official government conference centre for the arrangements for the Bosnian peal accord. I may be slightly wrong but it is still used for official purposes rather than just a tourist castle. This castle remained in private hands until 1974. I was alive when this was a private home.. Here are a few more pictures a part of your personal library and your nice front drive.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Cambridge - the University City England

Cambridge is one of the places to visit in England.  It is a tourist location that is unique.  Along with Oxford they are built around the Universities.  This is the most famous of bridges the Bridge of Sighs in St.John College.  St.Johns College has grown from its beginning in 1511.  It was founded 19 years after America was discovered, almost 100 years before the first European saw Australia and will soon celibrate it's 500 anniversary.

It is a place of learning that has created an atmosphere that is seeping out of every pore of the City.  The City is a working place, it is like wandering through a working museum.  It is still one of the worlds greatest universities.  To wonder around the colleges, through the town and along 'the backs'.   Life in Cambridge is worth visiting.  If I could turn back the clock and resit 'A'-levels and attend any University this would have been it.  Amazing city.  Here are a few more snaps.