Saturday 7 November 2009

Jersey - Britains Southern most Island - CIA

Jersey is the largest and wealthist of the British Islands.  I always find it intersting to look at the CIA world book.  The ammount of information on various countires is amazing and as it is from the same source different countires can be directly compared.  Jersey for example has the worlds 25th longest life expectancy, and the 7th highest GDP per capita PPP these are just two gems of information contained in the CIA world book.  It is also the most Southern Island being over 100 miles south of the British coastline and just off the French coast.  The island itself is facsinating place.  It is Britain but it isn't.  Jersey uses British £ but its a Jersey £, 1 = 1.  The costs of items in the shops seems a little cheaper than in the British mainland the weather strikes you are a little bit different.  Arriving in late January 09 the state of the island vegitation is showing a lot less leaf fall and the native plants look like mainland, London, vegitation may have looked in November.  The weather was a little warmer too.  Obviously Jersey has a peak and off holiday season and we arrived very much in the low season.  It's a small island which is wonderful place to visit maybe a wonderful place  to live in too if I had won the lottery, sadly I haven't and returning to mainland Britain is a little bit like stepping back into realilty.  Here are the photos.

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