Tuesday 7 October 2008

Extra Distance

A relaxing day. All the chores I'd been set were accomplished yesterday leaving a semi blank sheet for today. I returned to the gym for the second time and despite pacing myself I found out I have become more unfit than I thought I had. 4 miles jogging at 7 mph, should be easy about 36 minutes, I had to stop short after 3.5 miles. Just too unfit. Then I used a few other apparatus before leaving now feeling fully knackered.
On way to gym I stopped off in Comet and picked up a 2GB SD memory stick. I have now gone fully digital and got a proper digital camera. So in due course I will save some of these snaps here.

Sunday 5 October 2008


I have rediscovered my old IPOD. Or rather I have re-initialised the Itunes software. I have taken the opportunity to buy a couple of classic tracks. These were songs from my old University days. How songs have the power to bring back memories. At some point intend to update the order and actual tracks on the ipod itself. There is nothing nicer than going on a long distance train journey, if you have to go alone, than listening to a stack of records. Hence I decided to update the ipod for this week I returning to visit my parents by myself as my other half is working and rather than driving I have booked train tickets for the return trip.

This is the sort of journey that the train makes which more people should use. And by picking my times I have got the return trip for £12. 250 miles for £12. By car it costs about £36 so saving myself £24 on fuel and traveling in a safer, less polluting more comfortable manner listening to Ralph McTell and Otis Reading.

Friday 3 October 2008


I decided I was out of shape, the ladywell gym / sports centre was shut down in early summer, what was summer so cancelled membership. I attempted to take up swimming else where but the pool times that they are available are too limited. I guess it is good that school kids are taught to swim but obviously limits adult lane time pool usage. So I let that slip. Anyway I have joined a university gym. I went along to Goldsmiths and looked around it yesterday and today was first session.
Gyms are weird places, people go to make themselves fit, but do you want to go if you are a person with zero fitness / figure? Will you feel too unfit to attend a gym, basically make yourself a laughing stock by picking the 5lb weight and getting really knackered quickly.
Today I took the plunge was shown around with a group of about 5 other people, 2 dropped out the tour, then afterwards I used the tread mill. How fast I get unfit. I used to hit 4 miles in sub 30 mins. Today I have achieved 3.5km (less than 2.25 miles) in under 20 mins then gave up too tired. I will persevere though, at least it is in walking distance from home.

Thursday 2 October 2008

A Gap

A gap in the blog, terrible. Okay I am now on holiday for a couple of weeks. Kind of picked the worst time of the year, to take it but reasons (other half being only reason) was why I kept back my holiday. So it seemed as good as any time to take it.

There is always a want for something better. I was very seriously looking a changing my car. I have specific requirement and I saw an ideal match my exact requirement for sale. I kept looking at it. I saw that the price had dropped, twice, and was about to phone up the garage and make specific enquires. It had gone. That was a blessing. There is something called economic reality and yes the change of car would have had a number of plus points but in today’s world it is better than ever to get your finances in order first. That is what I have now done. I feel much better for it. There is always the desire for something better, a newer car is a big 'draw' but it is not essential. I struggle to do 6000 miles a year our car, it is a luxury and it is certainly one that justifies no more £ being spent on it.