Sunday 5 October 2008


I have rediscovered my old IPOD. Or rather I have re-initialised the Itunes software. I have taken the opportunity to buy a couple of classic tracks. These were songs from my old University days. How songs have the power to bring back memories. At some point intend to update the order and actual tracks on the ipod itself. There is nothing nicer than going on a long distance train journey, if you have to go alone, than listening to a stack of records. Hence I decided to update the ipod for this week I returning to visit my parents by myself as my other half is working and rather than driving I have booked train tickets for the return trip.

This is the sort of journey that the train makes which more people should use. And by picking my times I have got the return trip for £12. 250 miles for £12. By car it costs about £36 so saving myself £24 on fuel and traveling in a safer, less polluting more comfortable manner listening to Ralph McTell and Otis Reading.

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