Friday 3 October 2008


I decided I was out of shape, the ladywell gym / sports centre was shut down in early summer, what was summer so cancelled membership. I attempted to take up swimming else where but the pool times that they are available are too limited. I guess it is good that school kids are taught to swim but obviously limits adult lane time pool usage. So I let that slip. Anyway I have joined a university gym. I went along to Goldsmiths and looked around it yesterday and today was first session.
Gyms are weird places, people go to make themselves fit, but do you want to go if you are a person with zero fitness / figure? Will you feel too unfit to attend a gym, basically make yourself a laughing stock by picking the 5lb weight and getting really knackered quickly.
Today I took the plunge was shown around with a group of about 5 other people, 2 dropped out the tour, then afterwards I used the tread mill. How fast I get unfit. I used to hit 4 miles in sub 30 mins. Today I have achieved 3.5km (less than 2.25 miles) in under 20 mins then gave up too tired. I will persevere though, at least it is in walking distance from home.

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