Friday 23 October 2009

Europe's Hightest Waterfall - Grande Cascade 423meter Fall

This is it, a not very spectacular waterfall after months of low rainfall but in early September, this is now it was. It was incredibly difficult to photograph as the water fall is from the middle of a semi-circle rock formation. So as you are looking up at it you are staring straight at the sun. Also France and Spain were in something of a 'normal' summer semi drought conditions so the amount of water was significantly less than what I had expected. We parked in Gavarnie and set off, somewhat unprepared and underdressed for the walk to the base of the waterfall. I guessed it would be thirty to forty five minute walk. This somewhat optimistic, the walk to the Hotel du Cirque was, with stops on route, was about an hour and fifteen to twenty minutes. The footpath to the hotel was easy to follow though and it is a donkey track. From there to the base of the waterfall is another 30 minute walk which for walkers only, see bottom of photograph for what the ground was like there. Really the better photograph for getting a sense of what it was like is looking back from base of the waterfall towards the hotel that had taken an hour and a quarter to get to. €3 for a coke had never seemed such good value.


Madeleine said...

Amazing. You take stunning photographs

splat said...

thanks Madeleine - not all the time but I try.