Monday 19 October 2009

Pyrenees - The Spanish Side

This is what the mountains are all about. The views are spectacular. The mountains are so all imposing. The size of them makes anything man-made so insignificant. I love the way the high altitude cloud is in the east most is very high altitude cirrus cloud and in the bottom of the photo is the road. Which there is, as far as I can see, only one vehicle on? The view of the Pyrenees is different from the Spanish side though. It is lighter as it is viewing the mountains from the southern side so they look less dark and threatening than from the French side. Having reached this point we had driven over some quite exciting mountain roads needing to flick between 2nd and 3rd gear, no faster was possible or would be wanted. We had just passed ski resort of Port de la Bonaigua at 2072m altitude. For all the signs on the road for cyclist giving destination to the road summit the actual summit itself was not signposted. It was the car park for the ski base. Having made that part of the journey feeling a little tired at the wonderful Spanish restaurant.