Thursday 8 October 2009

Holidays France England

There is nothing better than getting away from 'home' and breaking the normal routine. I've got back from a real real nice holiday with my other half in France. See some pics from there. What I love is the change and the fact the country is so close to England as yet so different. They use a different currency,€ € yes I had to learn how to access this key stroke the computers even have a not quite QWERTY layout and use the alt control function heaps. They drive on the wrong side of the road and speak a different language. But it is so nice. They are really just like us for all these differences. I didn’t venture into Paris, when your driving it’s really not a good idea and I wanted to visit rural France. Get out of the cities into the countryside more. England does have some nice countryside but some is the word. To get the best of it you need to head out of the SouthEast of the country. Over to the Devon coast, Lake district the problem here is it’s all a bit crowded. Plus you spend half a days hard driving to get there. more tomorrow.

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