Thursday 25 September 2008

24 hour day

Yesterday I was shattered. I had completely forgotten that I had said 'ok' to working a double shift. I had not surprisingly completely forgotten about this. I dropped by trousers in the dry cleaners the previous morning to pick them up yesterday. The Monday evening it suddenly dawned on me I had to get up at 5.45am next day and I would finish work till 10pm. Oh boy, one problem was no dry cleaned trousers but also sleep or lack of it. A double shift after less than 6 hours sleep was a killer. I did get the chance to visit a number of members of the public, that in itself was interesting. Just in retirement £ having lots of it can get you a much better quality of life that having none of it. Also I will remember one thing, memory reduces with age and mine is not too smart anyway, it is this. Clutter, get rid of it. At present out humble flat has no clutter. Some older people have chairs and 'stuff' everywhere. Irrespective on size of property keep it free of clutter. Other than that it gave me the chance to saviour a decent coffee at a nice cafe. Then bus it back to work. Sharing the bus with the school kids. Now it is good that they are not getting picked up in a car but if I was an old man would I have been able to 'fight' onto the bus? No chance of a seat, and well as a old man the bus would be 'free'. Paid for by general tax payer of which I was probably the only fee payer on the bus, why not have all buses 'free' to all people?

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