Monday 15 September 2008

Litter on the Underground

Coming back from work this evening and it brings home how much amount of litter makes the environment an unpleasant place to travel in. Why do people leave a donnar kebab or KFC rubbish half eaten on the seat? Do they really think someone else is going to want it? They are so lazy they can't be bothered to wrap it up and take it with them. The rubbish smells not so nice and stains the seat. You wonder if they even bother clearing up after themselves. Not wishing to moan on but this is just a little thing; take your rubbish with you that would make the environment a lot nicer. The other 'rubbish' that is left behind that is useful are the 'free' newspapers. These now take the form of 3 different sorts in London. There are a free morning paper and two completing free evening papers plus the paid evening paper. For those of you who don't live here may be wondering why people buy papers, less people do now. Basically the morning 'free' paper 'The Metro' is largely last night’s evening paper (paid version) rehashed with the odd bit of news from PA added with a stack of adverts. This paper is produced by the same people as print the Mail and Evening Standard. The evening 'free' papers are a cut down version of the Evening Standard produced by same people the The Lite, and then Murdoch group produces the other free paper. Which not surprisingly all get read and re-read multiple times throughout the day till late at night when they are on the floor and waiting for the cleaners to finally tidy up at night. I just hope that these are printed on re-cycled paper and recycled themselves.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Trains and buses tend to be yucky. Sometimes I just stand because I'm afraid of catching something.