Saturday 27 September 2008


What a slave we are to these things. I have been only half working for the better part of this week because of PC computer profile problems at work. Where I work for is not relevant, its a major organisation that is top of the pile, well it would like to think so and in many respects does a what it does well, efficiently any way.

All stuff is profile server fed and its all getting worst and worst. The call centre is in Bangalore or somewhere, the IT bods (or bodesses) take over what ever computer I'm hot desking at and they fix something and then something else break or does not work. All very frustrating. In fact the principal two applications I should be using are broken. Then there is a power cut as some utility contractor puts a JCB digger through the power cable and everything stops for no one's computer works. What the heck is this, just go home as you can't do any work. I guess there will be more to do next week but that is assuming my profile has been fixed. Now why not give me a work laptop and let me work from home, then no traveling to and from work every day. Think what I could save on commuting costs plus time.

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