Thursday 18 September 2008

Music Nutters

Why has someone not taken a law suite out against nokia / sony etc. Whoever had the bright idea of making cell phones (mobiles phones) if you prefer with loud speakers on them? What a bright idea that was. I bet they don't have to sit / stand next to someone forcing you to listen to their choice of music. There must be some law about violation of noise, privacy, stress caused by having to listen to sound you can not escape from, that an American lawyer could take out against one of these companies and get them not to be built as such. The almost as stupid thing is the headphones Ipod etc give away with there products. They are simply not up to the job. I know they must be cheap, hence they come included in the price of the product but they don't do the job. I tried and tried to use my Ipod on the tube, no good the background noise of the movement was such you have to keep turning it up then when you enter any station its blaring out and every one can hear it so you keep adjusting the volume all the time. Just too much hassle. I intend to get a proper head phones, which cut out the outside noise plus give A1 sound quality. Now to include a pair of these with each would be a smart idea.

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