Tuesday 23 September 2008

Certain People

Travel always involves being in close(ish) proximity to your follow traveller in all types of public transport. That is actually something quite nice, to be sitting / standing next to people you know nothing of all in the same situation as you. It makes you occassionally think you'd rather not be exactly where you are. Last night a bloke who must for (like me) whatever reason need to travel south on the Bakerloo line. I have sat in the same carriage as this person maybe half a dozen times. I saw where he was sitting when the train drew into the platform and deliberately moved to a different part of the carriage. A ground of young Asian women sat in the area where he was sitting and next stop all got up and moved to stand in the carriage. This person gets out before me. He actions are sometimes harmless shaking / blowing on a newspaper frantically for no reason; talking to himself. But sometimes to men and women it is a bit more personal. Whilst walking up the escalator after leaving the tube I accidentally against or was pushed by a female passenger who had been sitting opposite him. This made me talk about this passenger to her, yes she was NOT happy / slightly scared by his behaviour. So if you don't know how to travel just don't. If you want advice take a book and keep yourself to yourself, if you act out of order again I will report you to the station staff.

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