Tuesday 16 September 2008

Things Work

The trips on trains (tube and normal) are all such an every day trip no one thinks twice. I have never spoken to the train driver at the terminus of the railway station to say thanks for smooth stopping or appropriate announcements. Even getting there on time, which short of not turning up to the job they are paid to do is not too much in their control. I am impressed by the bizzare dedication of the train spotters every day. At London Bridge I only see them at the end of the long through platforms standing near the very end of these platforms. I mean really what is the enjoyment of seeing the 9.24 to Dartford or whatever going through? Is there any enjoyment out of that? Thankfully the trains in the main are not subject to major graffiti aside from that are they not all the same? I have nothing against these people though there is no harm in what they are doing, it is better than getting drunk and throwing up on the platform or mugging a granny it is still a kind of free country so next time the train journey is perfect on time say thanks to the driver.

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