Saturday 13 September 2008

SPLAT South Pommie Londoner Anglo Indian Transport

Here is the very first Blog I'm writing. SPLAT seems a perfect anagram for roughly what I want this to be about. I am a South Londoner (now) who is part British part Indian part Kiwi. Where ever people go the transport system is always seen as real bad here. Everyone always complains. Either about the cost, £4 for a single tube journey. The overcrowding, busses that go straight past bus stops because they are so full, airports Heathrow enough said, then to escape when all else fails to jump in the car. That really can be frustrating. The traffic jams, the bus lanes you can't use the pot holes in the roads which you pay £180 a year to central government to look after. Yep you know that the money they take from the roads is going straight into central government coffers. Then there is the serious price of petrol, I filled up a month ago from near empty and my humble car took £71 to fill it. That’s about $125 US$ for a tank of fuel. Anyway everyone knows when you include 17.5% VAT about 75% of every litre of petrol here also goes to the government. Sadly once you’ve paid for your fuel and road tax you also get hit in Britain with your local government tax about £1200 per year depending on which local authority you reside in plus the nominal value of your property. Part of that tax is supposed to pay for the local roads in your area.

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