Monday 29 September 2008


Timothy 1 chpt 6 verse 5 - 11. That was the scripture from yesterdays service. I am no religious expert or scholar but it is about be content with what you've been given, the love of money being the route of all evil. When I got home it brought it home to me. My place is okay, function but my wonderful wife has made nicer, of course. But, the love of my wife is more important than anything else. No one deserves a 'free lunch'. Be happy with what you have. As the pasture said the TV program, 'who wants to be a millionaire', has great viewing figures because it plays on human greed which we all have.

Looking at the news today, greed and the failings of greed are clear enough I think for all to see. I saw a bit a sensible political news the only link to transport here. The Conservatives pledge not to build a third runway at Heathrow and instead build a 180mph rail Link from London north to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds. Now that is a sensible suggestion.

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