Sunday 14 September 2008

The Car

End of another week. I took the car out today, normally it never moves for days on end but this week I've used it four times. Including this evening. London is a cool city to drive through when it is late. The traffic moves the place looks real nice, all lit up. The fact that cities the world over look so nice a night is, I think, that really they are a lot that is not nice about them. Grime and homeless people, at least at night these are not so visible. At least not as you drive past glancing out of the window making sure no one is going to ram into you. Travel by bus though and you see a different set of sites as you have time to wait at the bus stops, you step over the puke avoid the puddles of urine as you enter the tube station cast your eyes past the person asking lose change please as they do every night. Where do these people go? Also the car protects you from the blokes (more often sadly is men) who are sky high on drugs. Stating to you as you pass them, "are you the Police". To which you say, "no, no." Discreetly stepping to other side of bus stop, where they grab the seat next to you saying, "don't sit here". Not knowing if they have a knife obvious that they are not stable you walk off to next stop and hope they don't follow. Tomorrow is Monday and back to normal and the fun of public transport again in the real world.

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