Tuesday 4 November 2008


There is nothing good about having a cold. Lets face it you feel like crap and suffer all sorts of 'normal' cold / flu symptoms. But there is nothing wrong with in a nadir of a cold taking a (single) day off work sick. Look at a persons sickness record over a 12 - 24 month period. Maybe 3 sickness incidents every 18 months is reasonable but some people have so much time off work just not real.

A major employer in the UK (not who I work for and I don't want to be fined) but they say first 3 or is it 5 days of sickness are unpaid. Then onwards you get up to 6 months sick pay. I think that is a much better idea. If after all you really real like crap you would be happy to take a days non-pay to get better but it would be a day or two, not 3 - 5 days to get over a cold.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Extra Distance

A relaxing day. All the chores I'd been set were accomplished yesterday leaving a semi blank sheet for today. I returned to the gym for the second time and despite pacing myself I found out I have become more unfit than I thought I had. 4 miles jogging at 7 mph, should be easy about 36 minutes, I had to stop short after 3.5 miles. Just too unfit. Then I used a few other apparatus before leaving now feeling fully knackered.
On way to gym I stopped off in Comet and picked up a 2GB SD memory stick. I have now gone fully digital and got a proper digital camera. So in due course I will save some of these snaps here.

Sunday 5 October 2008


I have rediscovered my old IPOD. Or rather I have re-initialised the Itunes software. I have taken the opportunity to buy a couple of classic tracks. These were songs from my old University days. How songs have the power to bring back memories. At some point intend to update the order and actual tracks on the ipod itself. There is nothing nicer than going on a long distance train journey, if you have to go alone, than listening to a stack of records. Hence I decided to update the ipod for this week I returning to visit my parents by myself as my other half is working and rather than driving I have booked train tickets for the return trip.

This is the sort of journey that the train makes which more people should use. And by picking my times I have got the return trip for £12. 250 miles for £12. By car it costs about £36 so saving myself £24 on fuel and traveling in a safer, less polluting more comfortable manner listening to Ralph McTell and Otis Reading.

Friday 3 October 2008


I decided I was out of shape, the ladywell gym / sports centre was shut down in early summer, what was summer so cancelled membership. I attempted to take up swimming else where but the pool times that they are available are too limited. I guess it is good that school kids are taught to swim but obviously limits adult lane time pool usage. So I let that slip. Anyway I have joined a university gym. I went along to Goldsmiths and looked around it yesterday and today was first session.
Gyms are weird places, people go to make themselves fit, but do you want to go if you are a person with zero fitness / figure? Will you feel too unfit to attend a gym, basically make yourself a laughing stock by picking the 5lb weight and getting really knackered quickly.
Today I took the plunge was shown around with a group of about 5 other people, 2 dropped out the tour, then afterwards I used the tread mill. How fast I get unfit. I used to hit 4 miles in sub 30 mins. Today I have achieved 3.5km (less than 2.25 miles) in under 20 mins then gave up too tired. I will persevere though, at least it is in walking distance from home.

Thursday 2 October 2008

A Gap

A gap in the blog, terrible. Okay I am now on holiday for a couple of weeks. Kind of picked the worst time of the year, to take it but reasons (other half being only reason) was why I kept back my holiday. So it seemed as good as any time to take it.

There is always a want for something better. I was very seriously looking a changing my car. I have specific requirement and I saw an ideal match my exact requirement for sale. I kept looking at it. I saw that the price had dropped, twice, and was about to phone up the garage and make specific enquires. It had gone. That was a blessing. There is something called economic reality and yes the change of car would have had a number of plus points but in today’s world it is better than ever to get your finances in order first. That is what I have now done. I feel much better for it. There is always the desire for something better, a newer car is a big 'draw' but it is not essential. I struggle to do 6000 miles a year our car, it is a luxury and it is certainly one that justifies no more £ being spent on it.

Monday 29 September 2008


Timothy 1 chpt 6 verse 5 - 11. That was the scripture from yesterdays service. I am no religious expert or scholar but it is about be content with what you've been given, the love of money being the route of all evil. When I got home it brought it home to me. My place is okay, function but my wonderful wife has made nicer, of course. But, the love of my wife is more important than anything else. No one deserves a 'free lunch'. Be happy with what you have. As the pasture said the TV program, 'who wants to be a millionaire', has great viewing figures because it plays on human greed which we all have.

Looking at the news today, greed and the failings of greed are clear enough I think for all to see. I saw a bit a sensible political news the only link to transport here. The Conservatives pledge not to build a third runway at Heathrow and instead build a 180mph rail Link from London north to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds. Now that is a sensible suggestion.

Sunday 28 September 2008



It is so nice having a Sunday and not working. Being able to walk to church, feels so nice. Without and stress or worries. Walking along I couldn't help notice the traffic just queuing, making use of a bus lane on Sunday to get ahead by four car lengths before a bus, of all things, stops and they have to try and cut back in making themselves more stressed motorists and probably annoying the cars that they have just over taken who have to let them in. What a a pointless things to do. Traffic jams are just a fact of life. I was reading in National Geographic magazine about the GQ. The golden Quadrilateral road motorway in India. Interesting piece and yes, there traffic jams and volumes are rising and getting worse. Who am I to say they must stick to the bus / train though? Ironing of shirts beckons now.

Saturday 27 September 2008


What a slave we are to these things. I have been only half working for the better part of this week because of PC computer profile problems at work. Where I work for is not relevant, its a major organisation that is top of the pile, well it would like to think so and in many respects does a what it does well, efficiently any way.

All stuff is profile server fed and its all getting worst and worst. The call centre is in Bangalore or somewhere, the IT bods (or bodesses) take over what ever computer I'm hot desking at and they fix something and then something else break or does not work. All very frustrating. In fact the principal two applications I should be using are broken. Then there is a power cut as some utility contractor puts a JCB digger through the power cable and everything stops for no one's computer works. What the heck is this, just go home as you can't do any work. I guess there will be more to do next week but that is assuming my profile has been fixed. Now why not give me a work laptop and let me work from home, then no traveling to and from work every day. Think what I could save on commuting costs plus time.

Thursday 25 September 2008

24 hour day

Yesterday I was shattered. I had completely forgotten that I had said 'ok' to working a double shift. I had not surprisingly completely forgotten about this. I dropped by trousers in the dry cleaners the previous morning to pick them up yesterday. The Monday evening it suddenly dawned on me I had to get up at 5.45am next day and I would finish work till 10pm. Oh boy, one problem was no dry cleaned trousers but also sleep or lack of it. A double shift after less than 6 hours sleep was a killer. I did get the chance to visit a number of members of the public, that in itself was interesting. Just in retirement £ having lots of it can get you a much better quality of life that having none of it. Also I will remember one thing, memory reduces with age and mine is not too smart anyway, it is this. Clutter, get rid of it. At present out humble flat has no clutter. Some older people have chairs and 'stuff' everywhere. Irrespective on size of property keep it free of clutter. Other than that it gave me the chance to saviour a decent coffee at a nice cafe. Then bus it back to work. Sharing the bus with the school kids. Now it is good that they are not getting picked up in a car but if I was an old man would I have been able to 'fight' onto the bus? No chance of a seat, and well as a old man the bus would be 'free'. Paid for by general tax payer of which I was probably the only fee payer on the bus, why not have all buses 'free' to all people?

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Certain People

Travel always involves being in close(ish) proximity to your follow traveller in all types of public transport. That is actually something quite nice, to be sitting / standing next to people you know nothing of all in the same situation as you. It makes you occassionally think you'd rather not be exactly where you are. Last night a bloke who must for (like me) whatever reason need to travel south on the Bakerloo line. I have sat in the same carriage as this person maybe half a dozen times. I saw where he was sitting when the train drew into the platform and deliberately moved to a different part of the carriage. A ground of young Asian women sat in the area where he was sitting and next stop all got up and moved to stand in the carriage. This person gets out before me. He actions are sometimes harmless shaking / blowing on a newspaper frantically for no reason; talking to himself. But sometimes to men and women it is a bit more personal. Whilst walking up the escalator after leaving the tube I accidentally against or was pushed by a female passenger who had been sitting opposite him. This made me talk about this passenger to her, yes she was NOT happy / slightly scared by his behaviour. So if you don't know how to travel just don't. If you want advice take a book and keep yourself to yourself, if you act out of order again I will report you to the station staff.

Monday 22 September 2008

weekend away

There is always something really nice about visiting the parents, a chance to get out of London, a chance for a little bit of change of scenery. The food, cooking like it should be. But getting out of London reveals what driving is about. There are tourist films and images of driving along English country roads, fields on each side, open spaces. Well that is also what I love about visiting my parents. It is the actually pleasure of driving. In London it is okay at best, judge the time to leave, thread through the traffic watching out that the speedometer does not put you with a massive fine. TomTom is an amassing thing. SatNav just over a £100. This is such a thing taken for granted but to think of what we are using. We have Satellites (24 for US satnav) in orbit and these are what TomTom in the car links to. The fact you know the route is not the reason not to use it. If there is a diversion then known route is useless. But as mentioned I kept speed on way back to 70 mph. I averaged over 38mpg on the way to my parents I averaged about 60 mph and only improved fuel consumption by about 1 mpg which I was surprised about. I just expected 4 - 5 mpg reduction on way back plus I had just tanked up with 60 litres of petrol which must be some weight. All this proves not too much, except with me and my awesome other half it is still cheaper to take the car over the train, plus much easier to lug all the stuff from A to B.

Thursday 18 September 2008

long weekend

Managed to get a 3 day weekend so off to my parents with my wonderfull other half till Sunday evening, by car of course.

Music Nutters

Why has someone not taken a law suite out against nokia / sony etc. Whoever had the bright idea of making cell phones (mobiles phones) if you prefer with loud speakers on them? What a bright idea that was. I bet they don't have to sit / stand next to someone forcing you to listen to their choice of music. There must be some law about violation of noise, privacy, stress caused by having to listen to sound you can not escape from, that an American lawyer could take out against one of these companies and get them not to be built as such. The almost as stupid thing is the headphones Ipod etc give away with there products. They are simply not up to the job. I know they must be cheap, hence they come included in the price of the product but they don't do the job. I tried and tried to use my Ipod on the tube, no good the background noise of the movement was such you have to keep turning it up then when you enter any station its blaring out and every one can hear it so you keep adjusting the volume all the time. Just too much hassle. I intend to get a proper head phones, which cut out the outside noise plus give A1 sound quality. Now to include a pair of these with each would be a smart idea.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Things Work

The trips on trains (tube and normal) are all such an every day trip no one thinks twice. I have never spoken to the train driver at the terminus of the railway station to say thanks for smooth stopping or appropriate announcements. Even getting there on time, which short of not turning up to the job they are paid to do is not too much in their control. I am impressed by the bizzare dedication of the train spotters every day. At London Bridge I only see them at the end of the long through platforms standing near the very end of these platforms. I mean really what is the enjoyment of seeing the 9.24 to Dartford or whatever going through? Is there any enjoyment out of that? Thankfully the trains in the main are not subject to major graffiti aside from that are they not all the same? I have nothing against these people though there is no harm in what they are doing, it is better than getting drunk and throwing up on the platform or mugging a granny it is still a kind of free country so next time the train journey is perfect on time say thanks to the driver.

Monday 15 September 2008

Litter on the Underground

Coming back from work this evening and it brings home how much amount of litter makes the environment an unpleasant place to travel in. Why do people leave a donnar kebab or KFC rubbish half eaten on the seat? Do they really think someone else is going to want it? They are so lazy they can't be bothered to wrap it up and take it with them. The rubbish smells not so nice and stains the seat. You wonder if they even bother clearing up after themselves. Not wishing to moan on but this is just a little thing; take your rubbish with you that would make the environment a lot nicer. The other 'rubbish' that is left behind that is useful are the 'free' newspapers. These now take the form of 3 different sorts in London. There are a free morning paper and two completing free evening papers plus the paid evening paper. For those of you who don't live here may be wondering why people buy papers, less people do now. Basically the morning 'free' paper 'The Metro' is largely last night’s evening paper (paid version) rehashed with the odd bit of news from PA added with a stack of adverts. This paper is produced by the same people as print the Mail and Evening Standard. The evening 'free' papers are a cut down version of the Evening Standard produced by same people the The Lite, and then Murdoch group produces the other free paper. Which not surprisingly all get read and re-read multiple times throughout the day till late at night when they are on the floor and waiting for the cleaners to finally tidy up at night. I just hope that these are printed on re-cycled paper and recycled themselves.

Sunday 14 September 2008

The Car

End of another week. I took the car out today, normally it never moves for days on end but this week I've used it four times. Including this evening. London is a cool city to drive through when it is late. The traffic moves the place looks real nice, all lit up. The fact that cities the world over look so nice a night is, I think, that really they are a lot that is not nice about them. Grime and homeless people, at least at night these are not so visible. At least not as you drive past glancing out of the window making sure no one is going to ram into you. Travel by bus though and you see a different set of sites as you have time to wait at the bus stops, you step over the puke avoid the puddles of urine as you enter the tube station cast your eyes past the person asking lose change please as they do every night. Where do these people go? Also the car protects you from the blokes (more often sadly is men) who are sky high on drugs. Stating to you as you pass them, "are you the Police". To which you say, "no, no." Discreetly stepping to other side of bus stop, where they grab the seat next to you saying, "don't sit here". Not knowing if they have a knife obvious that they are not stable you walk off to next stop and hope they don't follow. Tomorrow is Monday and back to normal and the fun of public transport again in the real world.

Saturday 13 September 2008

SPLAT South Pommie Londoner Anglo Indian Transport

Here is the very first Blog I'm writing. SPLAT seems a perfect anagram for roughly what I want this to be about. I am a South Londoner (now) who is part British part Indian part Kiwi. Where ever people go the transport system is always seen as real bad here. Everyone always complains. Either about the cost, £4 for a single tube journey. The overcrowding, busses that go straight past bus stops because they are so full, airports Heathrow enough said, then to escape when all else fails to jump in the car. That really can be frustrating. The traffic jams, the bus lanes you can't use the pot holes in the roads which you pay £180 a year to central government to look after. Yep you know that the money they take from the roads is going straight into central government coffers. Then there is the serious price of petrol, I filled up a month ago from near empty and my humble car took £71 to fill it. That’s about $125 US$ for a tank of fuel. Anyway everyone knows when you include 17.5% VAT about 75% of every litre of petrol here also goes to the government. Sadly once you’ve paid for your fuel and road tax you also get hit in Britain with your local government tax about £1200 per year depending on which local authority you reside in plus the nominal value of your property. Part of that tax is supposed to pay for the local roads in your area.